Productive few months for Leanne Caban

Another very busy and productive few months have passed by.  In February I was honoured to be a presenter at the QSEC Horse Home Show in Caboolture to showcase starting and finishing a barrel horse.  This was my first experience as a presenter and although a little nervous, I was happy with how my presentation was received by fellow horse enthusiasts.  I was in the company of fellow Prydes sponsored riders Pete Comiskey who presented his expertise in campdrafting, Brett Parbery & Tor Van DenBerge presenting their invaluable Dressage knowledge.  Master horseman Ian Francis was also a presenter and shared his wealth of knowledge on starting the young horse.   With a lot of interest shown through my presentation, the QSEC administrator has ask me to run further barrel racing clinics in dates to be decided.  I was also asked to return to China this year for a month of training a barrel racing team, however I unfortunately had to decline due to my business and family commitments here at home.  I hope to get back over there at some stage in the future. This month we will be busy travelling to rodeo’s around the district.  My son Clay has just started competing in Team Roping so the whole family which also includes my husband Dale and daughter Maddison are busy campaigning in our chosen events.  Our daughter Maddison has just qualified for her first APRA Junior National Finals at the age of 10.  The junior age group includes the ages of 17 and under so she really excelled.  She finished the points season in 9th position and will compete in these finals here in Emerald, Qld in July.

Between clinics, competing, training horses and conducting private lessons my calendar is filling up fast every month.  I have a barrel racing clinic booked here at our place in Emerald on the 13th and 14th of June for anyone that is interested in advancing their horsemanship and addressing competition issues.